Greetings comrades,
I'm Simone. I've never posted here before but I was the one who set up the original layout of the blog and who just changed it again a few minutes ago. I used to have a blog two years ago but Google shut it down when they realized I was 12 and not 13. Please forgive me if this post is super awkward, blogging is sort of weird if you don't do it for a while. I mean, wow, what do I even say? I went to the doctor's office today (physical doctor not therapist/psychiatrist doctor) and I had to get two shots which were like the worst things ever. My arm is still sore from one of them. I really didn't want to cry, especially since beforehand my mom said that my sister hadn't cried a few weeks ago when she had her shots but I cried (only after the nurse left the room). I think my crying made my mom feel guilty about it so she offered to get me a milkshake or something which made me feel even worse that she was offering out of guilt (I declined). We had what I wanted for dinner but it just didn't seem really appetizing. Idk. I have a wee stomach ache now. Today has just been sort of shitty. When I got back to school I was sort of barely holding it together so when Marie* tried to give me a hug in the hallway I almost started crying and when Jenna* was sort of joking around with me in advisory I came pretty close to crying again (*names have been changed. Do I have to change peoples' names? I feel really stupid calling my friends by other names, whatevs). My arms hurt less now but it just made me sort of moody and depressed today. I dunno. I got to sit out in gym but it wasn't that fun because Thomas* (*again with the fake names) was the only other person sitting out and it was super awkward since he had his laptop so I had noone to talk to and no books or anything to read. So I just sat and spaced out for the entire period (which wasn't as great as it sounds). I feel like there is more I should add to this like a 'Get To Know the Blogger!' sort of thing but is a link to my Tumblr sufficient (rhetorical question)? I plan on blogging more but usually when I do that I don't end up blogging more. Are posts allowed to be totally off topic for five seconds because holy shit there was just this huuuuge crack of thunder (bolt and lightning, very very frightening me).
8:34 pm
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